CSS Selectors

* {
    foo: bar;

Selects all elements on the page.

h1 {
    foo: bar;

Selects all h1 elements on the page.

h1, h2, h3 {
    foo: bar;

Selects all h1, h2 and h3 elements on the page.

.foo {
    foo: bar;
p.foo {
    foo: bar;

Selects all elements with class containing ‘foo’ or only p elements with that class.

#foo {
    foo: bar;

Selects the element with ‘foo’ id.

#foo p {
    bar: fum;

Selects all p elements within element #foo descendants.

h2 + p {
    foo: bar;

Selects the sibling element p that is immediately next to h2 element.

#foo > p {
    bar: fum;

Selects all p elements that are immediate children of #foo element.

h2 ~ p {
    foo: bar;

Selects all elements p that are siblings to the h2 element.

#foo * {
  foo: bar;

Selects all elements that is child of #foo.

a:link {
    foo: bar;

Applies to link elements that have not been visited.

a:visited {
    foo: bar;

Applies to link elements that have been visited.

.foo:focus {
    bar: fum;

Applies to selected .foo element that is ready for input.

.foo:hover {
    bar: fum;

Applies when mouse pointer is over the .foo element.

.foo:active {
    bar: fum;

Applies when .foo element is in process of being clicked.

.foo:first-child {
    bar: fum;

Selects the specified .foo element when it is the first child of its parent.

.foo:last-child {
    bar: fum;

Selects the specified .foo element when it is the last child of its parent.

.foo:nth-child(n) {
    bar: fum;

Selects the nth .foo child element.

.foo:nth-last-child(n) {
    bar: fum;

Selects the nth .foo child element counting backwards.

.foo::before {
    bar: fum;
    content: 'baz';

Adds generated content before the .foo element when used with content property.

.foo::after {
    bar: fum;
    content: 'baz';

Adds generated content after the .foo element when used with content property.

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